When you work with a cloud storage app, one of the most important points is that it must be compatible with our type of documents. Even more if the app, as in the case of this document manager, is related to the sales documents management: as can be catalogs, offers and rates, among others.

“urCollection is ready and adapted to share all type of documents among the sales force’s devices.”

Now we are going to detail all the formats compatible with our app for sales forces:

Document management: Files typologies


For several years now, in order to print a document, the print shops ask the users to bring the files with a .pdf extension to make sure that the internal content won’t be modified. For similar reasons, companies save the most of their files with this extension.

As a result, the most of the document managers allow to convert files into PDF to make sure that the text won’t be deleted and mainly, that the design won’t be modified. It is because of this that urCollection also chooses the PDF as its favorite format.

Microsoft Office

urCollection allows to open all Microsoft Office’s suite apps inside it. We refer to the classical Microsoft programs to develop some activities: writing (Word), calculus (Excel) and computer presentations (Powerpoint). Our document management app accepts all the documents saved with the formats supported by this suite of programs.


As with Microsoft’s formats, urCollection also supports documents saved with programs developed by Apple. In this case, and when sharing files, we refer to iWork writing and text documents (Pages), calculus (Numbers) and presentations (Keynote).


In the last few years, images have become a very important element for the sales force, because they allow showing all the products in a visual way without having to bring them physically. For that reason, urCollection allows to open any image’s typology from the application. The most renowned extensions are: .jpg, .png, .gif, .bmp, .tiff and .targa.


Although audio-files are less common during the sales process, for some sales force they are just as essential. For this reason, the document manager also allows to listen to audio-files. The extensions accepted by our cloud storage application for companies are: MP3 and AAC-LC.


Videos are a type of resource that is rising during sales speeches because it allows the sales force to show all they want to explain without forgetting about anything and to connect visually with the customer in front of them. urCollection allows to open from the same application videos with the following extensions: MOV, MP4, MPV and 3GP.

Text extensions allowed

Other extensions compatible with urCollection that it can open without any difficulty are: text, CSV and RTF.

Other type of documents

There are a many other types of documents, especially about programs used to work in specific areas and that are not very common to users in general.

For those workers who use special programs with different extensions from the ones mentioned before, urCollection offers the possibility of opening the documents with other apps installed in their tablets. What the administrator has to bear in mind when uploading these special documents is that he must assign the sales force permissions to open with an external app. This way, when they want to open this file from their devices, they will be able to select the app that matches the file’s extension to see its content.