There is a direct relationship between the time taken to obtain results and the time taken to obtain them. Therefore, the less time we spend, we are more productive.
Good sales productivity means better results and more profits.
There is no mystery, if you want to have greater productivity in sales, you must increase your sales. You should not devote more time to selling, or work more hours of your day, instead work harder and better. Optimize time and follow the steps we explain you below to be more effective. More effective means more productive!
Reduces production costs
In this point we refer to the costs that can involve the production of the product and the entire process from production until the customer buys it. We must be prudent in incurring unnecessary expenses that have a negative impact on productivity.
Take profit of the commercial visits to go to see nearby clients (we will save time and money). Do the tasks right the first time, even if you have to dedicate more time to them. If you have to repeat them, the cost will be higher.
Prioritize tasks
Sometimes, due to lack of time or means, we must prioritize the tasks that must be performed in a prior way. Knowing how to establish a hierarchy over the tasks to be performed in the first place will help us to optimize some processes and we will be more productive. It is not about working more hours, it is about working better.
Prioritizing tasks is the key to good time management. We must take into account the benefit of each task and what happens if we stop performing a specific task or postpone it. This will help us choose which tasks should be done first. Each task should be evaluated depending on the benefit it brings us and the urgency it implies.

Use the right technology for your business
Digital innovation is present in all types of businesses. But being more technological does not mean you are better. Technology is within the reach of small and medium-sized companies, but not all technological advances can be implemented in all companies, and they do not have to bring them a benefit.
You must consider which tool can make your work more effective and which will be necessary in the development of your activity.
You must take in mind when choosing a tool to implement in your company, what benefit it will bring you. And if it will be worthwhile taking into account the cost of the tool itself and the effort involved in its implementation.
Tools which make it possible to improve
There are very useful tools such as CRM, that can bring us a great benefit to tracking your clients.
There exist other not so well-known tools, such as the file/document managers that improve the work of commercial teams. This kind of tools allow you to save on paper, make the business discourse of salespeople is always unified and updated and also protect the contents of documents in a secure way.
Anytime & anywhere acces
The companies that have employees who work in mobility must choose tools with remote access from mobile devices.
Having access from app to get all the updates of commercial documents, with new modifications, prices and newest products will be the best option for this type of companies.
Commercial Tracking
Monitoring commercial offers is essential. No sales opportunity should be missed.
You don’t have to be a nuisance and bully the customer. Each process takes time. You have to find a balance between following up on the customer or being an overly aggressive salesperson. Because we risk being told that they don’t want to buy and they don’t want us to contact them again. We must create the possibility of future follow-up in the event that there is no immediate purchase. Always leave a door open for future negotiations.
And, over all, if you are engaged in contact with the client for whatever reason, be it to submit a quotation, make a visit, deliver samples,… you must fulfil your commitment.
Staff motivation
The best-selling salespeople are the most motivated, those who know the product best and also believe in it.
Team Training
A well-trained team, which can solve tasks optimally on its own, is the best resource that a company can have. Salespeople must be able to learn the sales methodology and develop the skills that will enable them to achieve new sales opportunities.
It will be necessary to have a team specialized in the product or service marketed by the company and thus have the necessary resources to make sales arguments.
To argue against the client’s possible objections is an indispensable condition to maintain an optimal training of your sales team. This training can be for the product or general commercial training so that your salespeople are not intimidated by the first not of the client.
Regular meetings
The regular meetings of the sales team provide an opportunity to share the evolution of the sales of each component of the team. It will be a good option to expose the problems that each one has been able to find in a concrete task, how they have been able to overcome an objection of a client, … This will serve the rest of the team to have tools and different options of how to act best on each occasion. See what has worked for the colleagues in each case and share experiences.

And what works best to make you more productive? Leave your message in comments and share if you thought it was interesting.
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