How a good sales force must be?

A seller is that person who is intended to sale or commercialization of a company's product and/or service. That is to say, outside a business, those who put at the disposal of third products of interest so that they can purchase them. But, how can [...]

By | 14 April 2016|Mobile Apps, Sales|0 Comments

Is the personal image important to sell?

It's complicated to talk about this issue without being a little bit controversial, but we must be realistic and there's no second chance for making a good first impression. This statement, even being essential in sales, is applied to all areas of life. The first [...]

By | 4 March 2016|Sales|0 Comments

How to share sales documents efficiently?

A sales visit is much more than introducing our product or service: you must care about the sales speech, master the presentation's timing, know how to relate with our potential client or have the latest version of our sales documents available. These details are, [...]

By | 27 January 2016|Document Management|0 Comments